Andy Morley 07 Feb 2025
Entries are now invited for the 2025 County Individual tournaments which will be held at the Wigston Chess club and the Anstey Chess club during the summer. The Tournament controller is Andy Morley, with Ben Vaughan managing the events being held at Anstey
The deadline for entries is April 25th See the County Championships section for more details
Entries are now invited for the 2025 County Individual tournaments which will be held at the Wigston Chess club and the Anstey Chess club during the summer. The Tournament controller is Andy Morley, with Ben Vaughan managing the events being held at Anstey
The deadline for entries is April 25th
There are 4 sections:
* The Championship. This will be 5 rounds, open to all.
* The Challengers. This will be 5 rounds, for players graded below 1900
* The Major. This will be 5 rounds, for players graded below 1750
* The Minor. This will be 5 rounds, for players graded below 1600
The grades used will be the APRIL 2025 STANDARD PLAY ECF grades, not the ones used for the 2024/25 league season.
The time control in all events will be 80 minutes for all moves + a 10 second increment throughout
The CHAMPIONSHIP and CHALLENGERS tournaments will be played at WIGSTON. The MAJOR and MINOR tournaments will be held at ANSTEY.
All rounds are on THURSDAY EVENINGS. Mostly every 4 weeks:
Round 1 15th May
Round 2 5th June (NB ONLY 3 WEEKS AFTER ROUND 1)
Round 3 3rd July
Round 4 31st July
Round 5 28th August
It is expected that all games will be played on the scheduled dates. Recognising that the tournament is played during the holiday season, there will inevitably be some dates which players cannot make, in which case every effort should be made to play the match BEFORE the scheduled date, if possible. Players may request no more than 1 half point bye, if they anticipate it will be difficult for them to complete a round in time.
Entries should be submitted to ANDY MORLEY stating your name, the tournament you wish to enter, your ECF Membership number, your contact phone numbers (mobile or landline, and work if applicable), and your e-mail address if you have one. Players in the Major and Minor sections will be requested to join a tournament Whatsapp group as an experiment to improve communications during the tournaments
Please give any of the scheduled dates for which you already know you will be unavailable (eg due to holiday bookings)
Send your entry: Online to
Or text or ring mobile phone: 07769721980
Andy Morley 25 Sep 2024
Congratulations to the winners of all of the tournaments this year. The Challengers has now been won by Omar Oliveri of the Market Harborough Club. The Minor goes to Les Fancourt of Ashby after he won a two game play-off against Yingxin Chen (Leicester University) after both players finished first equal with 4.5 / 5.
Andy Morley 29 Aug 2024
Congratulations to Mark Hebden, who has won the 2024 County Championship with a perfect score of 5/5. This is Mark's 4th County Championship victory. Congratulations also to John Pattinson who has won the Major tournament,with 4.5 /5
Paul Mottram 04 May 2024
Once on the results/pairings site you can navigate between sections by using the top left drop-down menu
Andy Morley 07 Feb 2024
Entries are invited for the 2024 County Individual tournaments. There are 4 separate events: The County Championship (open to all) and the Major (U1750) will be held at the Wigston Chess Club. The Challengers (U1900) and the Minor (U1600) will be held at Anstey Chess Club. The tournaments will be controlled by Andy Morley. Entries should be sent to Paul Mottram. See the attached entry form for all of the tournament details.
Andy Morley 22 Sep 2023
The 2023 Minor tournament has been won by Dominic Lennon of the Ashby Club, after an exciting play-off against Yuvraj Sadhra of Anstey. Both players finished the regular tournament with 4 /5, and then won a game each in the 2-match play-off before Dominic triumphed in the Armageddon decider.
Andy Morley 09 Sep 2023
Congratulations to the winners of this summer's individual tournaments:
COUNTY CHAMPION: Shabir OKHAI. Scoring 4/5, Shabir retains the title he won last year - a feat not achieved since Alan Byron in 2009 & 2010.
MAJOR TOURNAMENT: George GOWERS, with 4.5/5. George won the Minor tournament last year
The Minor tournament has not yet finished, with a play-off needed to decide the winner
52 players took part in the tournaments
Paul Mottram 11 May 2023
Once on the results/pairings site you can navigate between sections by using the top left drop-down menu
Andy Morley 01 Nov 2022
Games from the 2022 County Championship are now available. See the "County Championships" news feed for more details.
The games from the 2022 County Championship can be viewed by clicking on this link or copying it into your browser:
One game is displayed initially. Use the arrow to move to the full list of games.
Andy Morley 04 Oct 2022
The 2022 County individual tournaments are now decided. Congratulations to the winners:
County Championship: Shabir Okhai 4.5/5 (one game still to play)
Challengers: Julian Tarwid 5 / 5
Major: Ben Horspool 4 / 5
Minor: George Gowers 4.5/5
45 players took part in these events. All of the results can be found under the heading "County Championship 2022 Results and Pairings"
Andy Morley 08 Aug 2022
The Championship is progressing well although as players have not all played the same number of games, the tournament position is not yet clear. See the attached spreadsheet for the latest results and scores
Andy Morley 08 Jul 2022
Due to a player withdrawal, the County Championship has been changed from a SWISS tournament to an all play all.
The pairings and results are shown on the attached spreadsheet
Paul Mottram 05 May 2022
Please use the following links to get to the Results and Pairings Site for each section. Once on the site you can flip between sections by using the dropdown on the top left navigation.
Paul Mottram 02 Apr 2022
Entries are now invited for the 2022 County Individual tournaments which will be held at the Wigston Chess club during the summer. There are four sections Open, Challengers (U1900), Major (U1750) and Minor (U1600). The deadline for entries is 30th April and all entries should be sent to Andy Morley. All details are on the attached document.
County Individual Tournaments 2022
Andy Morley 30 Jan 2020
Entries are now invited for the Individual County Tournaments 2020. The events will once again be played at the Wigston Chess Club on Thursday evenings throughout the summer. See the attached document for details of the tournaments and the round dates.
Andy Morley 16 Sep 2019
Congratulations to Charles Eastlake who has won the 2019 Minor Tournament with a score of 4.5 /5
Andy Morley 16 Sep 2019
Jason Lv has won the Challengers tournament. He won the minor tournament last year, and was unbeaten in the Challengers this year finishing with 4/5
Andy Morley 16 Sep 2019
Mark Hebden, playing in the event for the first time in many years, has won the County Championship with a score of 6/6. Congratulations to Mark, who last won the tournament in 1980!
Andy Morley 22 Aug 2019
Congratulations to Jim Bingham, who has won the Major (u140) tournament with a score of 4.5 /5. Jim had the rare luxury of having won the tournament with a round to spare, but still had a tough final round game against Andrew Wilson which was eventually drawn. This ensured Jim was unbeaten in the tournament.
Paul Mottram 29 Apr 2019
Entry lists, Results and pairings for all sections of the County Championships can be viewed here:
Andy Morley 04 Apr 2019
Congratulations to Robert Henfrey of the Shepshed Club who has won the 2018 Challengers tournament, after a play off against Ben Pourmozafari of Syston.
Andy Morley 27 Feb 2019
Entries are now invited for the 2019 individual county tournaments, which will be played at the Wigston Chess Club over the summer months. There are 4 sections:
The Championship - 6 rounds; Open to all
The Challengers - 5 rounds; Open to players graded below 160
The Major - 5 rounds; Open to players graded below 140
The Minor - 5 rounds; Open to players graded below 120
All players MUST be ECF Registered, at least BRONZE, members
For further details see the attached
Andy Morley
Andy Morley 21 Sep 2018
The main rounds of all tournaments are now completed. We have two tournament winners so far, with two events now requiring a play off:
Championship: Martin Burrows and Alan Agnew finished tied with 5 / 6,
Challengers: Robert Henfrey and Ben Pourmozafari tied on 4/5
Major: Sasha Kerbel won with 5 / 5
Minor: Jason Lv won 4.5 / 5
The details of all tournaments can be found in the County Championships section of the website.
Paul Mottram 06 May 2018
Entry lists, Results and pairings for all sections of the County Championships can be viewed here:
To navigate between sections use the dropdown menu under Home
Andy Morley 30 Apr 2018
The draw for the first round of the 4 sections of the 2018 County Championships has been made.
The draws and full details can be found below.
Please note the pairings have been redone on 30th April due to late entries - please check your pairing!
For more information please contact Andy Morley, the controller, using the contact information on the committee page.
The time control for all events will be 80 minutes for the whole game plus a 10 second per move increment throughout.
The 2018 County Individual Tournaments will take place at Wigston Chess Club. There are 4 sections:
* The Championship. This will be 6 rounds, open to all
* The Challengers. This will be 5 rounds, open to players graded below 160
* The Major. This will be 5 rounds and is open to players graded below 140
* The Minor. This will be 5 rounds and is open to players graded below 120
The grades used are the JANUARY 2018 ECF grades.
The Championship dates are:
1. Round 1 10th May 2018
2. Round 2 7th June 2018
3. Round 3 5th July 2018
4. Round 4 2nd August 2018
5. Round 5 30th August 2018
6. Round 6 20th September 2017 (NB 3 weeks after round 5)
The Major dates are:
1. Round 1 10th May 2018
2. Round 2 7th June 2018
3. Round 3 5th July 2018
4. Round 4 2nd August 2018
5. Round 5 30th August 2018
The Challengers and Minor dates are:
1. Round 1 17th May 2018
2. Round 2 14th June 2018
3. Round 3 12th July 2018
4. Round 4 9th August 2018
5. Round 5 6th September 2018
It is expected that all games will be played on the scheduled dates. This will enable the draw for the next round to be made promptly. Recognising that the tournament is played during the holiday season, there will inevitably be some dates which players cannot make, in which case every effort should be made to play the match BEFORE the scheduled date.